Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Alicia Yang - Week 7

 Hi Emmanuel, sorry I can't come to class today. 

I haven't finish rendering and polishing. This week I wanted to go for a more painterly style, like the reference below from Michal Motulewicz.

In the first image, I tried follow what he's doing, with pure black occlusion shadows and cast shadows + smaller value range (closer to base tone) for the rest of the object. But I don't think my style attempt is that successful, something seems to be missing. 

I am also having trouble figure out some shadow shape and value, for example the area under his upper arm with the beard.

The second render is based on the first one, adding light and background like we discussed in the last class. That makes the painting more 3-dimensional, but less like the style I tried to imitate. 

Looking forward to your feedback, thank you!

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