Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Karissa Martinez - Week 1 HW

 Deity Board

10 words to describe him:

  • -Arrogant
  • -Easily board
  • -witty
  • -Sadistic
  • -Immortal
  • -Snobby
  • -High maintenance 
  • -Giant
  • -Creative/Destructive
  • -Attractive 
  • -Narcissistic 
  • Tall 
  • Slender 
  • Long hair
  • Corpse like Skin Complexation
  • No iris's (white eyes)     
  • Greek Based
  • Has a near androgynous appearance. (leans towards male)  
  •  Personality wise, one can't be fooled by his good looks. He may appear to be organized and well rounded but his position has caused him to become arrogant, sadistic and full of himself. His position also makes him feel superior to everything around him (which is somewhat true, yet there are beings that are larger them him.) 
Time Period: 
  • Classical - Hellenistic period (500 BC - 146 BC)

 Possible deity names: 

  • Galaxias 
  • Astra 
  • Mavri Trypia    
Describe this deity: 
  • This deity was created into the position of creating and destroying galaxies, keeping them organized and making sure they follow the state of their time lines (Not a time keeper). Due to this position he is eternal and can not be empathetic to any galaxy nor those that live in the galaxy itself. This position requires the deity to be alone so that they may have 100% focus on their job, if he fails to do so then the universe may likely collapse as it descends into an unpredictable chaos. 

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